Your generosity helps lead people to Jesus.
Automation overrides determination.
By giving at MISSION, you are partnering with God in the work He is doing in our church, in the community and around the world. Setting up recurring giving only takes two minutes, but there are several alternative ways for you to give.
Need help? Call Heidi McKinley at 480-939-4613
Finance Update
This Week: $96,020
Actual YTD Avg: $98,670
Planned YTD Avg: $90,509
Other ways to give.
On Campus
We take a moment during each of our weekend services to worship God through giving. There are giving envelopes available in the Worship Center lobby for your convenience.
On Our App
The MISSION App is a quick and simple way to give at MISSION and it records your giving in the same platform that you regularly use to give. Just click the 'Give' tab in the app. Download the app here.
Other Ways
There are lots of ways you can give at MISSION. Please contact us if you would like information on how to give assets, stocks, donation items, or others.
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