Nice to meet you.
Let's make your first visit awesome.
You're in the right place.
We know visiting a church for the first time can be nerve racking, so that is why we put this page together. Here, you will be able to find all the info you need to make your first time visiting MISSION a great one. Regardless of age, gender, orientation, affiliation, or ethnicity, we want you to feel welcome here. Jesus is for everyone and that is why we are a church that is for everyone.
We also want to invite you to First Step, a 30 minute event that we host once a month to help you learn what MISSION is all about and how you can be a part of it. Click below to register.
We're in Gilbert, on Elliot and west of Power Rd.
Our vital stats.
Sundays at 9 & 1030a
Service times
Stuff for kids
Birth thru 8th grade in the morning
High School in the eveningOnline services
Live on Sundays and on demand
Stop by The Hub
Say hi when you get here
Non denominational
Just people following Jesus
Stuff for the next generation.
We have programming for kids of all ages each week. You can find out more about our Kids and Youth ministries, as well as weekly resources and updates, at
Birth through 6th grade - Sundays at 9 and 1030a
Junior High - Sundays at 1030a
High School - Sundays at 630p
Here's some useful links.
I've still got some questions.
Join our mailing list.
We won't spam you, but you will get updates and resources and info sent you a few times each month.